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Pronouns: she, her • Birth year: 2001
Level: Experienced • Ethnicity: Congolese, Portugese

Height: 168cm • Bust: 78cm
Waist: 60cm • Hip: 96cm
Clothing size: 34-36 • Shoe size: 39

Hobbies: Cooking, music
Social media: Instagram (750)

"I have vitiligo and to me, it's not a struggle, but quite the opposite - I gained so much confidence out of it. It helped me a lot and made me realize that everybody is special in their own way. When I got vitiligo, some people told me that it was so cool but others told me that I should hide it with makeup. That was the moment that I realized that it's useless to care about what others think of you because they will always change their opinion. I decided to only listen to myself. Turns out it was the best decision I could make because that gave me the strength to become a model."

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